Thursday, September 30, 2010


So, today I am determined to finish at least part 2 of the book I am reading. The book is called, "The Vital Touch". I am having to read this for my infant massage certification. Its a very interesting book but, when you have a computer in front of you and all you want to do is play online, well it's kind of hard to get through. I have until October 31 to have everything done. Hopefully I will be able to make it. The book so far talks about how America is slowly becoming lazy when it comes to nuturing their children. Of course, not all women are the way that the book explains, but it really has opened my eyes. Its so true with some of the things we, as a society are coming to. I hope that when I have kids, I will be able to be the best mom for them that I can be. I wish that I could put the book on here so that you all can understand what I am talking about! I  also hope that I didn't offend any of you. Not that there are many of you following me at this point and time lol. Thanks for reading I suppose! Love you all!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Working Hard... or Hardly Working?

Well this post is probably going to be pretty boring, but I thought I would give you an update as to where the Rowley's are making their income. Josh is currently working at Morton Salt. He has been working there for about 2 years. He hates the job but it pays the bills. I'm just glad he isn't on graveyards anymore. As for me, I am currently working at the U of U as a telephone operator. My job sounds pretty boring and at times, it sure can  be. But I am grateful to at least have a job! Plus, it's a bonus working at the BEST school in the world!! (Sorry to all you BYU fans.) I also, have my own massage business. My business is called "Tranquility Touch Massage". It's pretty rewarding being a massage therapist. I love it! Well, that's it for this blog. Sorry if it was boring !

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Newbee

Hey friends it Steffani here! I decided to give in an create a blog (it seems so much more adult). But before I continue on my new adventure of blogging, here are a few things that you should know...

1. This is my first time ever blogging, so please forgive me if this looks weird.
2. Please don't ever expect Josh to blog. He hardly ever get on facebook so I highly doubt he will have any intentions of blogging.
3. Our life together is an epic adventure. So, put on your helmets and and fasten your seat belts because your mind WILL be blown away with intense awesome-ness!

Enjoy! :)