Friday, November 12, 2010

No Longer a Tadpole

Well folks, I am officially 8 weeks today! We went to the doctor this last Monday, and everything went great! We were able to see the heartbeat. It was so awesome! Yet, at the sametime I was terrified. Its so scary to think that I am going to be a mom. Our due date is set for June 24th 2011! Im so excited and Josh is as well. :) Our next appointment is on December the 6th. I dont think I can wait that long.
Some more good news! I am officially a business partner for "Fade Away Massage". Apparently, the interview went really well because 2 days later my partner Morgan called me and offered me the job! I was so excited I could hardly wait to get off work and go to my new job. Hopefully by January, I can become full time and quit working here at the U of U. As much as I love it here, the commute is getting to me and I dont make a lot of money. Although, I am very grateful to have 2 jobs in this tough economy. Well thats about all I have as far as updating goes. Nothing really has happend. I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Have a GREAT weekend.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Baby Rowley and all its glory! and other stuff...

Well friends,
Its been a bit since I last updated. First off, let me tell you how our first prenatal appointment went.
When we first got there, it took FOREVER for the doctor to finally come in. (Maybe it really wasn't that long but it sure felt that way). After we chatted for a bit, she took Josh and I into the ultrasound room. When she first started the ultrasound, it was very nerve racking. She looked very concerned and was very quiet. So I began to panic inside a little bit. After sitting there for what seemed hours she finally spoke. She said that she believes I am in a very early pregnancy and thinks I am only about 4 weeks along. She also had told me that I am in a higher risk for miscarrying. But she assured me that she didnt believe I was in a miscarry. She told me and Josh to remain positive and not to worry too much. Luckily I am still having "beautiful" morning sickness. (That's a good thing no matter how awful it sounds). We go in for another ultrasound this upcoming Monday. Hopefully by then we will be able to get exact dates of when I will be due. I am so excited and I feel really good about this. Its amazing what the support of family, friends and our Father in Heaven can do for a troubled mind. Sorry the update was so short. I didnt want to go into too much detail, because Im sure that most of you already know the details.
Some other good news!! I have a job interview this coming Monday as well. It will be for a massage therapist who currently has her own business and is looking for a partner. I am so excited! I really hope I get this job. Massage is my passion and its been so hard for me to find a job in the field because it is such a demand. I hope all goes well. Hopefully everyone is having a wonderful day! I will try and keep this blog updated more.