Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Candy Canes and Snowflakes

Well its officially December 2010! That's so crazy to me!!! This year went by super fast. I fear, that the years to come will be even faster. I'm not so sure that I am officially ready to get into the "old people" routine of complaining how fast the years have gone! I miss the days of when Christmas took forever to get here. Although, it did seem like forever to me. Now its only 24 days away!!!!! Im so excited.
Josh and I officially have 4 days until our ultra sound. I will be 11 weeks. Im almost done with the first trimester. It has gone by really fast for me! I can't believe it.
So what was up with "the blizzard of century" Um, hello?? like not even a week later another storm hit and Tooele recieved way more snow than that silly blizzard gave! Although, I did like not having to go into work that day. I am definitely loveing all the snow. Josh is going crazy because he hasn't been snowboarding yet! I wish I could go this year. But, I can't :( Oh well. There is always next year.
For Thanksgiving, Josh and I hosted it at our house. Boy, that was a stressful day. I thought it would be easy since we wouldn't be cooking everything, but when the guests arrived, I realized our house is a lot smaller than it looks! Overall, it was a fun time. Delicious food and wonderful family!
Well, that's about it as far as the updating goes. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week :)

1 comment:

  1. No kidding this year went fast?! Can you believe that at this time last year we were finishing up our second semester at massage school?! My how time flies!
